Thursday, September 19, 2013

Top 5 interesting facts about airports

Here is the most 5 interesting facts about airports :- 

1 - Gerbils can smell adrenaline and are installed in airport security areas to detect terrorists.

2 - Mongolia’s largest airport is named after Genghis Khan. He had over 500 wives and a vast number of children: 1 in 10 people in Central Asia today are his direct descendants.

3 - If all the land in Finland were distributed equally, each Finn would have 14% more space than Heath-row Airport’s shopping area.
Top 5 interesting facts about airports

4 - Gatwick, the name of the UK’s 2nd-largest airport, means ‘the farm where goats are kept’.

5 - More than a third of the world’s 43,794 airports are in the USA.

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